Sunday, October 26, 2008

Its Party Time!!!!!

Once again it is time for our annual Pruitt, and Ford Family Halloween Parties! Fun was definitley had by all! Grandma Pruitt is the Queen of decorating and she really knows how to put on a party. The FOOD was fabulous. One of our families favorite was the Pecan Clusters!!! We all liked to call them "chocolate pieces of HEAVEN!" Everybody looked great and we couldnt decide if Grandpa Pruitt was a PIRATE or a COMMANCHEE!!!! hahahahaa Grandma Ford put on her usual "BASH OF FUN!" We loved all of the activities especially the dance in the dark the kids put on for us to THRILLER! (Look out Micheal Jackson) We had a great Hot Dog roast in the little Halloween Forest Mom had made for us. Mary, once again made all of our Halloween treats Mummies, and apple wormers... and Jenny aka. (Martha) made some heavenly Pumpkin Cheesecake squares. The food was good but the highlight of the evening was by far JAKES COSTUME!!!! FRANKENSTIEN was the BEST!!!! When he came around the corner on stilts and dressed up we all about died!!!!!! We love these parties and look forward to them almost as much as Christmas EVE and Christmas! We are so grateful for our wonderful parents who make these wonderful memories for all of us!!! They mean more to us than any present we could recieve!!!!!!


JJ said...

STILL LAUGHING! Oh my goodness you guys know how to party. I am so jealous. I love the costumes. Jake's is great and extremely gutsy but when I finally got Missy's costume...still laughing. Awesome! Party on, you guys are hilarious!

Marcie said...

You guys are quite the bloggers! Who in the heck is the sweet Nacho Libre guy?

Brenna said...

Everybody looks amazing! Soooo fun!
Uh, I was curious about Nacho too! Is there a member of the family you only bring out on Halloween?

Suzy & Todd said...

Ha, I freakin love you guys. You guys go all out, Jake was about as tall as that dude from the thanksgiving point. Have you ever wondered how you have sex with someone that tall? Wow totally innappropriate for blog comment, sorry. I miss you guys!

tcevatt said...

OK, the devil is Eddie...either that or I'm blind.
