Monday, November 24, 2008


Yes its true!!! My Lindsey is getting married! Its hard to believe that I am old enough to have a daughter getting married! I feel and look old enough so I guess I must be. Trent Houghton is the lucky man that is going to get the cutest wife ever! However I hope he knows how to cook....... or else I hope he enjoys bologna and peas!!! hahahahaaa You might have all seen Trent earlier in our blog AKA........NACHO LIBRE~ The ring is gorgeous, and Trent isnt to bad himself! The big event is going to be taking place this summer. An exact date has not been set yet but we are looking towards June. WOW we have alot to plan. Any pointers from all of you fellow wedding planners would really be appreciated!


Brenna said...

WHAT? Lindsey is marrying Nacho Libre!!! "Hug hug, kiss kiss, hug hug, big kiss, little hug, kiss kiss, little kiss." Way to go girl!
Seriously, how freaking exciting!!! CONGRATULATIONS!
I did notice that rock on her finger in the family pic and wondered. We are thrilled for you guys and can't wait to welcome him to the family as well as see him without the painted face. :)

Brenna said...

Or was it a mask??

JJ said...

What?! It is absolutely not possible that little Lindsay is getting married. For that to be true I'd have to be getting older and that is certainly not the case.

Congratulations! If you need any help with anything, let me know.

tcevatt said...

Congratulations on your upcoming nuptuals--make sure you have a great prenup agreement--you get everything.. ;-). The rings are beautiful. Keep going to school..if there is one thing I've learned in my 51 years is to continue growing and learning.

Nonetheless I remember when you were crawling. Time and life flies by quickly. Please send me a wedding invitation so I can plan a flight. Also make sure you add me to the gift registries.

Details below:

Thomas C. Evatt
105 Ash Grove Drive
Huntsville, AL 35824

256-489-7237 (home)
256-520-2255 (cell)

Suzy & Todd said...

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up! what? I'm in shock first of all because that ring is AMAZING and second because Lindz is getting married. I'm so stoked right now. I'm going to call right now actually.