Sunday, February 1, 2009


Today was our annual SuperBowl Party!!! We had our usual SPREAD of food.....and oh yes we did watch the game! We had a great time. We were quite divided on Cardinal fans and Steelers fans, however Missy and Eddie were in Cardinal attire so they of course thought the Cardinals were the best!!!! We also celebrated C.J. and Dallas's birthdays....17 and how time flies! We were so prepared we even had our 3-D glasses for the half time festivities! We of course had our betting board which makes every score that is made an all out fight to see who is winning at that point. At the end of the game the lucky winner was Samee Jo!!! "G-Dog" AKA Grandma Ford was the most competative......she was figuring out every way possible that she could win the money but to no avail!!! We all had a great time, but dont we always!!!!!!

1 comment:

JJ said...

Wow! That looks like a lot of fun.

How is the wedding prep going? From your message, it sounds like one of the colors is Hot Pink. Are the others black and white? If so, you need to check out my aunt's blog. Her son just got married and the girl he married did black/white/hot pink and she had the hot pink shoes with her dress and everthing.

If you're interested, go to